Thursday, December 6, 2007

Stress Relief

Stress Relief

For more immediate relief of stress or anxiety, you can try a number of Relaxation Techniques that are proven to reduce stress. Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation exercises, guided imagery and self-massage techniques will be explained here.

Deep Breathing
Stress can cause your breathing to become shallow. Shallow breathing causes less oxygen to get into your bloodstream which makes you feel tense, short of breath and anxious. Most people take shallow breaths from their upper chests but deep breathing involves the lungs, the abdomen and the diaphragm. Deep breathing encourages oxygen intake and helps you relax. Chest breathing makes your brain create shorter, restless brain waves while abdominal breathing makes your brain create longer, slower brain waves. Longer & slower brain waves are what your brain makes when you are calm and relaxed and that’s why abdominal breathing helps you relax.

Deep breathing techniques can be done almost anywhere – all you need is a few minutes and a quiet place.
Sit comfortably with your back straight and place one hand on your lower stomach and the other on your stomach. Inhale deeply through your nose letting your abdomen expand. When you inhale, the hand on your stomach should rise and the hand on your chest should hardly move at all. Hold your breath for a few seconds then exhale slowly through your mouth. As you exhale, feel your abdomen flattening. Continue taking deep breaths and relax your body further with each breath.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing your muscles for a few seconds and then relaxing them. By tensing your muscles first, they will relax more than if you just relaxed them without the tension.

To start PMR, you begin with your feet and work your way up to your face. Start by getting comfortable and taking several deep breaths. Begin by tensing the muscles in your right foot, squeezing as tightly as possible and hold for a count of 10. Now, relax your right foot. Feel the tension leave as your foot becomes limp. Stay with this feeling while breathing deep & slowly. Next, focus on your left foot, following the same sequence of muscle tension and release. Do this progressively through your body focusing on one muscle group at a time.

The ‘standard’ PMR tense/relaxation sequence is: right foot, left foot, right calf, left calf, right thigh, left thigh, hips & buttocks, stomach, chest, back, right arm & hand, left arm & hand, neck & shoulders, face.

Guided Imagery
The concept of guided imagery uses your imagination to bring you to a time and place where you were once very relaxed. The more vividly you can recreate that situation in your mind, the more relaxing the experience will be. Since imagery is how the mind communicates with the body, research has shown that stimulating the brain using imagery positively affects the endocrine and nervous systems which lead to changes in immune system functions. There is a mind-body connection. You can easily see how this works if you think of how certain smells bring you back to a place from your childhood.

How to use guided imagery:
Get into a comfortable position and take several deep breaths. Focus on breathing in calm and breathing out stress. Imagine a place or event that you remember as safe, peaceful and calming. Bring all your senses into play as you recreate that time & place in your mind. Smell the burning leaves, feel the warmth, hear the sounds of water, taste the sweetness of the food. Enjoy the surroundings and stay as long as you like. When you’re ready to come back to your real life, slowly count back from 20 to 1, telling yourself that when you get to 1 you’ll feel peaceful and calm yet alert.

The Relaxation Response
The Relaxation Response was developed by Dr. Herbert Benson at Harvard Medical School. It’s a physical state of deep rest that produces changes in the physical and emotional responses to stress such as a decrease in heart rate, blood pressure, rate of breathing and muscle tension.

Here are the steps (taken from Dr. Benson’s book):

· Sit quietly in a comfortable position.
· Close your eyes.
· Deeply relax all your muscles beginning at your feel and progressing up to your face. Keep them relaxed.
· Breathe through your nose.
· Become aware of your breathing. As you breathe out, say the word ‘One’ silently to yourself. For example, breathe IN… Out, ‘One’, IN…Out, ‘One’ etc. Breathe easily and naturally.
· Continue for 10-20 minutes. You may open your eyes to check the time but don’t use an alarm. When you finish, sit quietly for several minutes, at first with your eyes closed & later with your eyes open. Do not stand up for a few minutes.
· Don’t worry about whether you are successful in achieving a deep level of relaxation. Maintain a passive attitude & permit relaxation to occur at its own pace. When distracting thoughts occur, try to ignore them by not dwelling on them & return to repeating ‘One’. With practice the response should come with little effort. Practice once or twice daily but not within 2 hours after a meal since the digestive processes seem to interfere with the Relaxation Response.

Self-Massage Techniques
For shoulder tension: reach one arm across the front of your body to your opposite shoulder. Using a circular motion, press firmly on the muscle above your shoulder blade. Repeat on the other side.

For eye stress: close your eyes and place your index fingers directly under your eyebrows near the bridge of your nose. Press in gently and then with increasing pressure for 5 seconds, then release. Repeat.

Since this is the holiday season, consider purchasing a gift that will help you or the special someone in your life de-stress. Some possibilities include scented lotions, aromatherapy oils or candles, stress relieving music CD’s, spa products for your bath and soft & smooth , high thread count, quality sheets for a great night’s sleep!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Manage Your Stress

Stress is a natural part of life. Some types of stress are good while others are not.

Most people think of stress as being caused by an external event in their lives but in reality, it’s the way we react to the external events that produces stress. Each person’s tolerance level is different so situations that are highly stressful for one person may not be so for another.

It’s very common for people to feel stress around the holidays.

This article looks at how to deal with unhealthy stress. Part I gives some helpful tips while Part II gives specific ways to use deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation for stress relief.

First, you must be able to identify when unhealthy stress is occurring. Signs of stress fall into four categories: cognitive (thoughts), emotional (feelings), physical and behavioral.

When stressed you may experience cognitive changes such as the inability to concentrate, poor judgment, forgetfulness or mental disorganization, self criticism and a fear of failure; emotional changes such as irritability, feeling overwhelmed, tense, anxious or moody; physical changes such as headache, weight gain or loss, insomnia, back or neck problems, fatigue, more colds & infections than usual; or behavioral changes such as eating too much or too little, sleeping too much or too little, teeth grinding, procrastination, increased alcohol use or acting impulsively.

So how do you successfully manage stress? Here are several proven stress management strategies:

1. Have a strong social support network
A support network can be family or friends with whom you can share your feelings, discuss problems and seek advice. Your support network must be individuals who you trust and who genuinely care about you. Not all relationships are supportive and those that are not can create more stress in your life.

2. Identify unnecessary stress
Know how much you’re able to handle at any given time and learn to say ‘no’ when another work project, chore or errand will push you beyond your limit.

Avoid people who bring stress into your life. Limit the amount of time you spend with those who are not supportive or continually cause you stress.

Avoid situations that make you anxious or tense. Find alternative ways to handle them.

Look at all the things you do during the day and re-evaluate them. If you’re stressed because you have too much on your plate, eliminate those tasks that aren’t absolutely essential.

3. Manage Your Thoughts
Often, without realizing it, we give ourselves messages that are inaccurate and those can increase our stress levels. When you can identify your self-defeating thoughts & messages, you can consciously change your cognitive (thought) patterns & lessen the stress.

For example, many of us feel we ‘should’ accomplish certain things during the holiday season. This type of thought creates unrealistic expectations and sets us up for failure.

Other times we give more importance to an event than it warrants. For example, if ‘the Christmas tree isn't completely decorated’, we tell ourselves the entire holiday will be ruined.

And sometimes we generalize one problem to the rest of our lives. For example, if we don’t do well on a project, we feel we’re a failure at everything in life.

When you have negative thoughts about yourself, your body responds as if it’s in a stressful situation. When you think good things about yourself, you’re more likely to feel good. Once you realize the negative messages you give yourself, you can begin to change your thought process by reframing those thoughts, refuting them or stopping them.

To reframe a thought, try to find something positive in a negative event. To refute a thought, look for evidence that proves it incorrect. To stop a negative thought, yell ‘STOP’ (in your mind) as soon as you realize it’s occurring.

Try to be positive and give yourself messages about how well you can cope rather than telling yourself how horrible things are. Think of your stressors as challenges you can handle instead of obstacles that can’t be overcome. With practice and repetition you’ll begin to give yourself more positive messages and that will, in turn, decrease your stress.

People who manage their stress well tend to have an optimistic view of situations. For example, stress-resistant individuals focus on immediate issues rather than the big picture, they assume a problem is temporary, they credit themselves when things go right and they don’t take blame personally when things go wrong.

4. Manage the Situation
Poor time management causes stress. Try to plan ahead and be realistic about how long a project will take. Most projects take longer than you expect so allow extra time.

Express your feelings instead of keeping them to yourself. Keeping feelings inside creates anger, frustration & resentment which results in more stress.

Be willing to compromise. Not everything has to be perfect – not people, jobs or projects. If you’re willing to compromise, stress levels will decrease and the end result will be just as satisfactory as if you tried to make it perfect.

Try to find a balance between work, family life, social activities, daily responsibilities and doing something for yourself. Be sure to have some down time in your daily schedule even if you have to schedule it in.

Prioritize your ‘to do’ list. Put the most important things at the top of your list and work on those first. If there’s something you don’t like to do, do it first and get it out of the way so you don’t end up procrastinating. You’ll enjoy the rest of the day as well!

Break large projects into small, manageable tasks. It can be overwhelming to tackle a large project and you may feel you’ll never have enough uninterrupted time to work on it. By breaking the project into smaller, time-limited tasks, you’ll be able to meet your goals and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Don’t micro-manage. See if there is any work you currently do that can be delegated to others. There are only so many hours in the day. Your time should be spent on those things that only you can do. If others are able to help out, delegate the task. Each project that you delegate will reduce your stress level.

5. Adjust Your Attitude
It’s important to accept that there are some things in life that will not change and some that you cannot control. While being unable to change or control an event, you can change the way you think about the events & the way you respond to them.

Instead of stressing out over situations you can’t control, realize that you can change the way you think about them. Look for the upside. A major obstacle or challenge in life can present you with an opportunity for personal growth.

Learn to forgive. No one is perfect and neither are you. If you can accept that people make mistakes, you can learn to forgive & that will allow you to move on leaving negativity behind.

If you demand perfection, you’re setting yourself up for failure and stress. Try to adjust your standards so they’re reasonable. Sometimes it’s perfectly fine to be ‘good enough.’

If you’re able to change your attitude or expectations you’ll be able to take charge of the situation and lessen the stress. Look at the big picture and ask yourself if the stress you’re feeling now will matter next week, next month or next year. If not, you can focus your energy elsewhere.

6. Diet and Exercise
Junk food and refined sugars leave you feeling sluggish and low on energy so keep them out of your diet as much as possible. This is especially important during the holiday season when sweet goodies are everywhere you turn. A healthy diet promotes health and reduces stress.

Exercise also plays a key role in reducing the effects of stress. Exercise is known to increase the body’s production of endorphins while improving the brain’s oxygen supply and releasing tension from muscles. Physical activity can relieve that uptight feeling and leave you relaxed and energized.

7. Relaxation Techniques
There are a number of relaxation techniques reduce stress. These include deep breathing, muscle relaxation exercises, guided imagery, massage, yoga & tai chi.

Deep Breathing
Stress can cause your breathing to become shallow. Shallow breathing causes less oxygen to get into your bloodstream which makes you feel tense, short of breath and anxious. Deep breathing encourages oxygen intake and helps you relax.

Sit and place your hands on your lower stomach. Inhale deeply through your nose letting your abdomen expand. Hold your breath for a few seconds then exhale slowly through your mouth. As you exhale, feel your abdomen flattening.

To be Continued!
Part II is coming ….

Friday, November 16, 2007

Cyber Monday

Are you ready for Cyber Monday?

Ok! I guess you need to know what Cyber Monday is in order to be ready for it!

Cyber Monday is the online equivalent of Black Friday - the annual start of the holiday shopping season. Black Friday applies to brick and mortar stores and is the Friday after Thanksgiving. Cyber Monday applies to online businesses and is the Monday after Thanksgiving.

According to a recently published MasterCard report (Nov 19), 3 out of 4 people plan to shop online this holiday season. They expect to spend an average of $700 with $300 of that for online purchases.

This is great news to all us eBayers out there! But you have to know how to take advantage of it.

Here are some tips:

* Make life easier for your holiday buyers. Offer to gift wrap the item and/or send it directly to the recipient. This added extra will set you apart from most other sellers.

* Use BIN (Buy It Now) in your listings. When holiday shoppers find that special item, they want to purchase right away so they can take it off their 'to do' list. A word to the wise - buyers who purchase a BIN item expect the item to ship as soon as they pay for it, so don't offer a BIN if you only ship once or twice a week. Another word to the wise - many antique and collectible items are not suited for a BIN format.

*Offer multiple shipping options. Buyers like choices and they may want the option to pay for expedited shipping to be sure the item arrives in time.

*Give the buyer something special. Offer free or combined shipping discounts in your listing. This will make your item(s) more attractive to a buyer and set you apart from the rest. Offer to gift wrap the item to save the buyer time. Include a bonus gift and the buyer will perceive added value.

*Promote your excellent customer service. When making a purchase online, buyers want to feel confident and secure about the seller. Your feedback may be wonderful, but your buyer wants to know how that will benefit them. Assure them that you pay special attention to details, package their items carefully and securely and respond quickly to their questions. Most of all, let them know they'll receive their package on time! That's the holiday shopper's biggest concern when purchasing gifts online.

This is your opportunity to make make new, happy customers! The benefits will last beyond the holiday season, too. Holiday buyers who are pleased with their purchase and the service you provided are bound to come back to shop with you during the year. Remember, it's easier make a sale to an existing customer than it is to find a new one.

Join me in success ...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Want to know EVERYTHING there is to know?

I am soooo excited!

I rarely endorse products or people as I'm very picky about where my hard-earned dollars go. For me to promote a person, a service or a tool, it has to be 'THE BEST.'

Since this blog is new, you'll just have to take my word on that. ;-)

Although I'm a Certified Education Specialist Trained by eBay, I have to say that I've learned so much about eBay and life from a wonderfully intelligent, creative, gifted and genuine woman - Janelle Elms (who happens to have a 'thing' for the '80's rock stars).

If you don't know who Janelle Elms is, here's a brief bio:

Janelle Elms is a Lead eBay Instructor, creator and teacher of the eBay 101/102 classes taught nation-wide and author of numerous eBay books including the best-selling 'eBay Your Business."

Janelle created the Online Success Institute and the brand new 'OSI Rock Star' site that's jam packed with EVERYTHING you need to know when you choose success.

I've read Janelle's OSI (Online Success Institute) newsletter for months and months and listen to her podcast interviews daily. All of them contain the most valuable information you'll find anywhere about how to be SUCCESSFUL on eBay and in life.

My business has shown amazing growth (more sales, more hits, higher search engine rankings, higher sales prices) since I started implementing the awesome tips and techniques from the cutting-edge OSI podcasts and webinars.

Is your eBay business as successful as you want it to be? If not, take a peek at the 'OSI Rock Star' site & see what's waiting for you! You'll be amazed!

The podcasts and webinar interviews are with hand-picked EXPERTS - the 'cream of the crop!!' All of it is straight information - no techno-babble, no run-arounds, no self-promoting. Just genuine, straight forward information to help all of us be a SUCCESS!

If you choose success, and want to learn from the best, you owe it to yourself to see what you can benefit from on the 'OSI Rock Star' site.

Becoming a Rock Star is the best investment you can make in your business and yourself!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Welcome to The Savvy Seller - Online Auction Education Blog!

As a Certified Education Specialist Trained by eBay, I teach people like you how to buy, sell and run an eBay business.

Keeping up with what's new on eBay is the key to providing up-to-date and accurate information to those attending my classes, trainings and consultations.

I welcome you to join me in my eBay adventure & stop back for helpful hints & useful information if you want to be a 'Savvy Seller' too!
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